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Steve Jobs and his stupidity

For the enthusiast product of Apple, Steve Jobs is the name of aguarantee. Apple without Steve Jobs, not just the vegetables without salt, but more than that, Steve Jobs is a vegetable as well as its salts, as well as people who cook it. Some time ago, whenhis health was in a critical point, Apple reported gelagapan lookingfigure who deserves to become his successor. Jobs is a visionaryleader, able to see the opportunities ahead and created a 
gadget that fits with these opportunities. Not surprisingly, the fruit of his work from a Mac, iBook, iPod, iPhone and iPad accused of sellingin the market although the price is over priced aka overpriced.Price is relative, so lovers of Apple products unwarranted, andindeed relative if it should be compared with such a regular PCthat is always plagued by various viruses, while in Mac computersor iBook it is not found.
As people are smart, certainly Jobs act in accordance with such intelligence. However, sometimes Steve Jobs acted very foolishly.Certainly a surprise, as smart people and a visionary Jobs could do something stupid, but the case. businessinsider noted some foolish acts carried out by Steve Jobs started from not recognizing a woman as her child until either hire someone to do the job. Let's see the list below.
1. Ignoring Daughter For Years
Perhaps many of us who do not know that at the age of 23 Jobs already has a daughter. Jobs has sworn that he was sterile and infertile (infertile) so it does not have the ability to fertilize. Jobs recognition that this use of sterile and infertile for many years denied that he had had children at the age of 23 years. However, not anymore. When he began to lead Apple and become rich, the mother of the child also wealthy and prosperous life. He later admitted that he had been guilty and started to get closer to these children.
2. Appointed John Sculley
At the beginning founded Apple, Steve Jobs is still very young and he thinks he needs adult supervision to run Apple. Then he appointed John Sculley to become a supervisor, when John Sculley did not understand Apple. More tragic John Sculley was the one who encouraged the expulsion of Steve Jobs of Apple. A decade later Jobs regretted his decision, he said it had hired the wrong person, the person is destroying everything that for 10 years has been done by him.
3. Disposing of All Shares of Apple When Kicked from Apple
When Steve Jobs kicked out of Apple, he threw all of Apple's stock has. However it is done in the 80s might still make sense, but try if he does not get rid of all its stock, certainly at this time he could be more rich.
4. Establishing Next
After he was kicked out of Apple, Jobs founded Next, a company engaged in the super high end computer workstations and super expensive. His attempt failed because the sales are few and then Next diarahkannya to make the software only. This is a rare failure Jobs throughout his career. But Next is not over, after the focus back to the software turns out Next successfully and then he sold it to Apple at a price of 429 million U.S. dollars and using software that has now become the IOS.
5. Too long teamed with AT & T
If Steve Jobs decides cooperation iPhone with AT & T one year earlier, perhaps a map of smartphones in the U.S. will not like now.Because other vendors feel AT & T exclusive to the iPhone, eventually Motorola Android based smartphone release their highly successful in the U.S., DROID by cooperating with Verizon. DROID is sold in the U.S., the next lot of other vendors such as HTC also with Verizon and did not take long for Android to beat the iPhone in the U.S. market. Maybe Verizon revenge because they can not contract like AT & T so accommodating many Android-based smartphone vendors to retaliate. iPhone also must be willing to lose by Android.
6. Eric Schmidt Trusting Too Old
Eric Schmidt, Google CEO from 2001 trusted Jobs to Apple sits on the executive board for three years. Schmidt first entered the Apple executive in 2006 and fell in the year 2009. If we examine this is the wrong step of Jobs with Schmidt as an Apple executive trust. The proof, now Google has beat Apple in the smartphone market, competing even been left with the advance of Apple's Safari Chrome, and soon will enliven the tablet market with Android Honeycomb. Trusting executives of other companies, Google's classmates to sit on the executive of Apple is stupid conducted by Jobs.
7. Lost in the struggle AdMob
AdMob is a mobile advertising company which is planned in 2009 will be purchased by Apple, so does Google. Apple has 45 days to conduct due diligence on the AdMob and if the time is not yet finished, then Google will go to buy. Oddly enough, Apple did not buy that AdMob eventually fell into the hands of Google, but Google already has AdSense. Jobs might think why advertising company AdMob, but for Google because it is becoming a recent addition to this, Admob network has begun to produce.
8. iPhone 4 Antennagate
Still remember the case of signal loss on the iPhone 4 if held in a certain way? The case is called by the name Antennagate occurred in 2010 ago, where four of the newly launched iPhone having problems in signal reception if held in a certain way. So to solve this problem, it turns Jobs do something stupid by sending an email to a user's iPhone 4 by saying:
"Just avoid holding it in that way"
Jobs such as answer a stupid answer of course.
9. Jobs Is Not Like A generous heart, Likewise Apple
Steve Jobs was a cheapskate. If Bill Gates and his wife contributed so much in charity or scholarship, not so with Jobs. He has billions of dollars of wealth was not the one who likes to be generous to donate part of his fortune. He enjoyed his wealth alone. Although it is believed personally never contributed to charity, but still questioned why Jobs did not do the same thing as did many other famous people. Many people succeed in the U.S. to contribute openly and seen many people with a reason to show that they are great people and also show concern. But not so with Jobs, until now there has been no donation to a charity that is officially released by Jobs and Apple.


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